Transnational teams of up to 8 women.
Format | Partial round robin |
Boards per match | 8 |
Matches per team | 12 or 13 |
Competition dates | 3 - 5 January 2025 |
Session dates and times | Varies by team |
The matches will be scored in VPs, using the WBF continuous VP scale.
The matches will be played with screens and self-alerts/explanations.
For full details and Conditions of Contest see
Chief Tournament Director: Marc van Beijsterveldt
Joining the RealBridge session for your matches:
How to load your system card in a RealBridge session:
Each team has a page dedicated to them. It contains
🔗 Links for each player in their team, for each session.
🔗 Links for the captain and coach, for each session.
📞 Support telephone numbers and 📧 email addresses.
🔗 Links to useful information
If you are playing and you have not received the link to your team's page, please contact your team captain/coach. You will need this page in order to get your link for playing.