International friendly Junior Bridge Festival on RealBridge


Date:   Sunday 02 July 2023

Junior players from around the world are welcome to play in this free event.

Please send an email to

The email needs to be from the captain or coach, not the players.

Enter up to 48 hours before the start time. Details below the poster.

Special notices:

  1. There are 4 categories
  2. Notice that U16 are playing XIMP Pairs. 
  3. Notice that the others are playing teams. 
  4. Teams can have as many players as you like, typical is 6 players.
  5. The number of boards played are not the same for each category
  6. The U21, 26, U31 teams be on the RealBridge kibitz server, for all to watch (with 30 minutes delay)
  7. It is not possible to play using a phone
  8. Players must use a camera and microphone

Start times

vary - see poster

No of boards

vary - see poster

Conditions of contest

Friendly, but normal WBF regulations.

History of event

Part of a series of events on RealBridge, having started in January 2021

Trick one delays

We have a system-enforced delay at trick 1:

  • Opening lead: 5 seconds
  • Play from dummy: 10 seconds
  • Play from third player: 5 seconds

Table rules

Convention cards: players may refer to their own card
Cell phone: must be switched off during play
Video and audio: must be switched on all the time
Background noise: please take care to turn off TV, radio and close the door of your room
If the player needs to leave their computer, they must ask their opponents first

Arrival time

Players should arrive 20 minutes before start time

Practice opportunity

Players will be invited to practice games leading up to the event