Teacher Resources
(Updated 31 May 2024)
These resources are free to use for your lessons. If you would like to add anything to this list, please contact us.
MiniBridge Resources
Bridge Resources
- C = Commentary for display in RealBridge under the traveller (optional)
- B = Contains ideal detailed auction in the commentary for display in RealBridge under the traveller (optional)
- L = Contains ideal line / typical line of play, for playback in RealBridge (optional)
- A= Contains suggested imposed actions (optional)
Beginner to intermediate
- Jeff Fust - Stayman and transfers in response to a 12-14 1NT - Teacher Plan and PBN File (Right-click and Save As) [B]
- Jeff Fust - Stayman and transfers in response to a 15-17 1NT - Teacher Plan and PBN File (Right-click and Save As) [B]
- RealBridge - 16 deals, uncontested auctions - Hand Commentary and PBN File (updated 9 Nov 2022) [C, B, L, A] (note that deals 1 to 8 are repeated, to 9 to 16, but rotated once.)
Any level
- RealBridge - 16 deals opening 12-14 No Trump. Hand records. PBN file. (added 3 April 2023)
- RealBridge - 16 deals person opening bidding has a 2-suited hand. Hand records. PBN file. (added 3 April 2023)
Intermediate +
- RealBridge - Andrew Robson lesson, David Bird, Simon Cocheme (Please send email to support@realbridge.online )
- RealBridge - 8 slam deals - Teacher Plan and PBN Files (Right-click and Save As)
- RealBridge - 8 Slam deals - "When to draw trumps and when not to" - Teacher Plan and PBN Files (Right-click and Save As)
- Eddie Kantar - 13 deals - Declarer play technique. Hand Commentary and PBN File. With permission and thanks to www.kantarbridge.com (added 31 Oct 2022) [C, B, L]
- RealBridge 8 Slam Zone (advanced) - Hand Commentary and PBN File. (added 4 April 2023) [C, B]
- RealBridge 8 Competitive Bidding (advanced) - Hand Commentary and PBN File. (added 3 April 2023) [C, B]
- RealBridge 8 Pre-emptive Bidding (advanced) - Hand records and PBN File. (added 3 April 2023)
- RealBridge 8 High Level Decisions (advanced) - Hand Commentary and PBN File. (added 22 May 2023) [C, B]
- RealBridge 8 Compete or Not Compete Decisions (advanced) - Hand Commentary and PBN File. (revised 30 May 2024) [C, B]
- Essex County Bridge Association – Boot Camp 1- Defence. Hand Commentary and PBN File. Additional presentation material and commentary resource for this set of hands. Special note: ask those playing Weak No Trump to Sit North-South, ask those playing Strong No Trump to sit East-West. Only use a Mitchell 2-winner movement. (added 9 Aug 2023) [C, B]
- Essex County Bridge Association – Boot Camp 2 - Declarer play - no trumps. Hand Commentary and PBN File. Additional presentation material and commentary resource for this set of hands. Special note: ask those playing Weak No Trump to Sit North-South, ask those playing Strong No Trump to sit East-West. Only use a Mitchell 2-winner movement. (added 27 Sept 2023) [C, B]
- Essex County Bridge Association – Boot Camp 3 - Declarer play - suits. Hand Commentary and PBN File. Additional presentation material and commentary resource for this set of hands. Special note: players can sit anywhere, regardless of NT range Acol, 2/1 or SAYC. Only use a Mitchell 2-winner movement. (added 27 Sept 2023) [C, B]
- Essex County Bridge Association – Boot Camp 4 - Declarer play. Hand Commentary and PBN File.
Additional presentation material and commentary resource for this set of hands. Special note: players can sit anywhere, but better that those playing 5-card Majors and Strong NT sit North South. Only use a Mitchell 2-winner movement. (added 30 May 2024) [C, B]
General deals, on no specific theme
This set are suitable for those playing “4 card majors and weak no trump”. Of course, the card play commentary is relevant to other systems too.
- Keep Bridge Alive - 26 deals - Pro-Am Pairs - Hand Commentary, Hand Records, PBN File (Right click and Save As) [C, B, L]
All about the project, website, general information - https://sociologyofbridge.wordpress.com/home/keep-bridge-alive/
- 2022 House of Lords Vs House of Commons - 24 deals Hand Commentary and PBN File (added 31 Oct 2022) [C, B]
- 2021 House of Lords Vs House of Commons - 24 deals Hand Commentary and PBN File (added 26 Nov 2022) [C, B]
- 2023 - April Sims. English Bridge Union - 28 deals Hand Commentary and PBN File (added 22 May 2023) [C, B]
- 2023 – July Sims. English Bridge Union – 28 deals Hand Commentary and PBN File. Commentary written by Graham Osborne. (amended 13 Aug 2023) [C, B]
Websites that have resources for teachers
Websites that are highly suitable for creating and presenting teacher material
(added 30 May 2024)
What is a PBN file?
A PBN file is a deal file that can be loaded into RealBridge. More details here: https://www.tistis.nl/pbn/
How do I make a PBN file?
To create your own PBN files, we highly recommend BridgeComposer (Windows).
Bridge Solver Online (All Platforms) has plenty of good functionality, however, for putting together lessons, lesson plans, BridgeComposer is more versatile.
I have a LIN file, how do I make it into a PBN file?
A useful tool is this checker and converter: http://www.rpbridge.net/cgi-bin/rpfc.pl